If you know you will be gone from home for an extended time, you may want to shut the water off to the house at the customer valve while you are gone.
Early detection of a leak can minimize water loss at the property. If you suspect that there may be a leak somewhere in your plumbing, try these easy steps to identify that a leak exists.
Some common sites where you might be losing water are:
- From a leaking toilet. If you have to shake the handle to stop a running toilet, you may be losing water. There may be occasions where the toilet runs for greater periods of time than others. This type of problem will result in water loss.
- Dripping faucets. You may be able to repair a dripping faucet by replacing worn parts.
- Outside irrigation. Check your yard for soggy spots or broken sprinkler heads.
- Swimming pools and outdoor fountains. You should also check for leaks in your swimming pool or fountain system. You should also consider using a cover to prevent evaporation, which can really add to your bill.
- Faulty plumbing.